visual concept, creation, creative direction
A unique audio-visual performance which invites you to discover the depths of the Earth by the rhythmic beats of the sounds of nature and its magnificent images.
Focusing on the changes we are going through as humanity, but also about the deep essences we have in common as humanity, this AV performance aims to to pass on the call of the Earth for change and for a more conscious approach to it as well as to ourselves.

Earth: trailer
Music performed by
Ivana Mer – singer, composer, art direction
Nina Marinová – violins, vocals
Bára Zmeková – piano, keyboards, vocals
Miloš Vacík – percussions
Michal “Koudelka” Cerný – sound design
Mária Júdová – video concept, creation, creative direction
Katarína Caková – scenography
Sona Feriencíková – movement preparation
Tána Mravcová – light design
Wnoozov – hand-woven costume
Project produced by Trakt o.z. supported using public funding by the Slovak Arts Council.
2022/11/27 Utopian Getxo, ESP
2022/10/02 Wumanas event, Berlin, DE
2022/08/06 Atmostera festival, Hontianske Nemce, SK
2022/04/22 Palác Akropolis, Praha, CZ
2022/04/03 Sharpe festival, Bratislava, SK

01 Earth

02 Ode

03 Soll

04 Tree

05 Abundanza

06 Who

07 Incahuasi

08 Ina Maka